Thursday, March 26, 2015

1st Trip of The Season-Done.

This past weekend was our first trip of the season for 2015. There were a few little bumps in the road but all is well. We spent the weekend at Cuivre River State Park just East of Troy Missouri and despite the low number of folks that had reserved spots when I made my reservation, there was a rather large turn out. We had one of the best weather days you could ask for in early spring.....68 degrees and sunny on Saturday. The camper had some post winter hiccups that needed to be addressed but overall it performed well. The heat was nice and toasty and everything worked. No broken pipes over winter!! The kids had a blast despite the mud pit that was our site upon arrival on Friday. The trails were still water logged and sketchy at best....but we did our best to get out and enjoy it.

Max and his Camo Pants. Born and Raised in St. Charles County. 

Our home for the 100. Sadly the water was not turned on yet so that meant using our water tank. We have gotten much better at conservation, but it still stinks with a family of 4 to worry about the water usage. I ended up bringing my 6gal totes to ensure we had enough water for the weekend. 

The kids love these. What's not to love about a S'more??? It's the simple things. 

A "Are you Serious??" Moment while trying to take a photo. 

Cool Sunset both nights.

I optimistically decided that Biscuits and Gravy were on the menu for Saturday's BKFST. I normally knock this out of the park...but for some reason this batch didn't turn out like normal. It may have been the adjustment to the new outdoor burner or not enough flour (I used all that we brought). This year I have a complete out-door kitchen including a grill and a high output burner that really works well. A few months ago I was in Wichita for work and picked up the burner on clearance at the Coleman factory and after some fiddling I think it will be a good fit. 

Ali got a FitBit from Santa this year.....and according to the fancy gizmo, we walked nearly 7 miles on Saturday. The kids were real troopers. It felt awesome to get outside and do something different.

Gibson spent the weekend with us and was just as exhausted as us at the end of the day. 

Yep....The can matches the table cloth. 

Here is the Outdoor Kitchen I was referring to....It actually works very well. Beans on the cast iron, and the chicken on the grill. Santa decided I would like this table and I must say its really nice having actually used it. The Jumbo Joe locks in place via a lever/fingers so that it wont fall off. Pretty cool design I must admit. I have have been more than happy with the Jumbo Joe that we bought last year....I can do anything on  this thing that can be done at home. Tasty!

A nice sunset both nights. The kids slept better the second night as always. Still a fun time for all. 

Next weekend we travel south to a remote part of Missouri to check out a somewhat new campground and a part of the state we have never been to. For me, some more travel for work is in store before we leave...a few days in the woods will be welcome after this one. Big Bob Gibson's. That's all that needs to be said about where I am going next week.  More to come. 

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