Saturday, March 1, 2014

At what point does you job become more than a job? It seems everyone is in search of the perfect job these days. What about a career? To me these things are two totally different categorizes of employment. For me it was almost an immediate decision to make my job a career. One huge reason is the folks I work for and with and that may change as the years go along.With that said,  the core values have been instilled pretty much in every aspect of the operation.

I spent the week on the road meeting with customers and principals we represent. A lot of time was spent in the car (983 miles to be exact)  being by yourself for a few days really makes you think a bit about how you got to this point.

This career has taken me many, many places that I never thought I would go and provided stories and experiences that I never thought possible. I learned to say really bad words in Spanish while at a power plant in Mexico that I have now forgotten. Had a daily 2 hour lunch with engineering staff at the same plant where the restaurant literally was a lean-to shack on the gulf of mexico. This may be the culture or just the fact that we were 2 hours from any authority but you always washed down your lunch with at 4 or 5 beers.

I have walked on a different Continent and been involved with some of the largest power projects in that perspective city. I went to a Bull fight in Thailand and had dinner among rubber tree plantations prepared by someones mother.

I have experienced the brutality of a Calgary whiteout with temperatures of -50F and visited drove a Kia into the Canadian Rockies to view one of the most beautiful lakes I think that exists on earth.

However, all those things are great but what really makes this special is that this career makes you feel like you are apart of something. Some days it really sucks, but the good still WAY overcomes the bad.

Plus we are going to Vegas in November.....

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